Jones Hollow Realty Group

1Q22 Market Recap | What Is The State of The Housing Market?

Everybody is talking about housing, but how is the market doing? Are we ascending?Are we on the decline? Is there a risk that rates will continue to rise or that housing prices will continue to appreciate?

The overarching question is how the housing market is doing or will it crash in 2022? The simple answer is that it will not crash. The current trends and the forecast for the next 12 to 24 months clearly show that most likely the housing market is expected to stay robust, with many of the trends that propelled real estate to new heights last year remaining firmly in place this year as well.  Last year, homeowners saw a market in which their properties sold quickly and frequently above the asking prices, as numerous home buyers fought for the winning bid.

Read complete report here: Suffolk County 1Q22 Real Estate Recap